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Whether it’s about turning your ideas into profitable software solutions – We provide high quality, cost-effective and reliable result-oriented web & mobile applications to help you succeed in rapidly changing tech-driven markets.

Mobile Technologies

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IOS App Development

Crafting apps for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, etc. with AI & ML integration and more, keeping users at the core.

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Android Apps Development

Our dev team helps you craft native Android apps for Smartphones, Tablets, Android Wear, and Android TV from scratch.

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React Native Apps Development

Delivering affordable yet fast, powerful, and high performing cross-platform apps with native look and feel.

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Flutter Apps Development

Ever since its existence, we have been crafting native and cross-platform apps using this open-source mobile SDK.

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Ionic Apps Development

Crafting fast and interactive hybrid applications that work perfectly on web, mobile and desktop devices using Ionic.

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Xamarin Apps Development

With the power of .NET and C#, our experts build Android, iOS, and cross-platform apps for enterprises and startups.

Front end Development Frameworks

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AngularJS Development

Experts in using JS based framework to build web solutions for enterprises, Ecommerce, social media apps, streaming apps, etc.

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ReactJS Development

Crafting dynamic user interfaces to deliver stunning web solutions that work perfectly on web and mobile platforms in less time.

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VueJS Development

Experienced with using the VueJS tools with scalability needed to build large-scale apps where customization is complex.

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Typescript Development

With TypeScript combined with Javascript, we are making a huge improvement over plain Javascript, to deliver web solutions without painful bugs.

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HTML5 Development

All HTML5-based web app solutions built by Appnovation are both secure and sustainable, constructed in such a way they can be easily maintained and scaled as needed.

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PWA Development

We are a top progressive web app development company having successfully deployed a secure and robust web app solutions across all industry verticals.

Web & Mobile Backend Development

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NodeJS Development

NodeJS is iconic for building backends of apps that are real-time, requires heavy traffic or data, and code compatibility on many platforms.

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PHP Development

We build enterprise solutions, networking systems, CMS, and other backend solutions that are highly customized for complex B2B applications.

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.NET Development

We builds custom web, mobile and Windows-based app solutions with .NET framework to deliver scalability, security and power-packed performance.

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Java Development

We have hands-on experience with Java based frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, JSF, GWT, etc. to build scalable and secure business apps.

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Python Development

We use Python with Django, Flask, Pyramid, and other frameworks to build automation solutions, AI-ML apps, GUI apps for mobile and web, etc.

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Ruby on Rails Development

With this MVC framework launched in 2004, we are pioneering RoR development to develop multi-tasking, scalable apps.

Database Design & Management

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MySQL Database Development

It’s a freeware and that really helps businesses looking to handle large data at an affordable price along with integration with other databases.

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MongoDB Development

We use it to design a DBA that speeds up document management, modification, real time processing and analysis on a large scale.

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Microsoft SQL Server

If your firm has multiple Microsoft products & sensitive data, then we setup a database on cloud & local servers with authorized access.

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PostgreSQL Database Development

Fostering enterprise mobility with scalable ERP application and PostgreSQL DBMS to centralize, store, retrieve, and interpret data with ease.

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Oracle Database Development

We help enterprises by designing RDBMS with Oracle where access to enormous data is needed with security and a variety of features.

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Firebase Database Development

Transforming business processes by a cloud database solution allowing them to go remote and access data directly from cloud when needed.

CMS Frameworks Integration

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Magento Development

Delivering complete control to content and functionality of your large scale Ecommerce business with marketing, SEO, Catalog management tools.

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WordPress Development

Its simplicity, flexibility, and various plugins offer a platform to build everything from simple websites like a blog site to complex enterprise web apps.

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Drupal Development

We helps you benefit from this enterprise-ready content management framework with extensive API support to incorporate the latest features.

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Laravel Development

Fostering enterprise mobility with scalable ERP application and PostgreSQL DBMS to centralize, store, retrieve, and interpret data with ease.

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Cake PHP Development

We help enterprises by designing RDBMS with Oracle where access to enormous data is needed with security and a variety of features.

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Codeigniter Development

Transforming business processes by a cloud database solution allowing them to go remote and access data directly from cloud when needed.

DevOps Infrastructure Setup

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Our engineers combine DevOps practices with AWS services, to efficiently build and deliver software products with complete reliability.

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Google Cloud

Transforming global enterprises by automating business processes via robust cloud solutions leveraging Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

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Our dev team has proficiency with this popular CI tool to build and test your software product continuously with no margin for error.

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We automate web applications testing using any web browser via this Selenium API to ensure the highest quality product delivery.

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All our team members have great working experience with Github. We setup manual and automation continuous integration and continuous deployment using Github/bitbucket.

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Our team use docker to create, deploy and run applications by using containers. Containers allow us to package up an application with all of the parts it needs as one package.

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Office Address

411, Vraj Plaza, Bhaththa,
Paldi, Ahmedabad, India

(C) 2024, Jeegesh Web Technologies